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Sayfa: [1]
geyik / tam turbo'luk bir durum
« : 05.06.2007 13:40:20 »

geyik / Commodore Launching Gaming PCs
« : 08.03.2007 11:15:56 »
Commodore Launching Gaming PCs - Because The Commodore Name Equals Fast

After brokering a deal last June, Commodore, the previously strong maker of the Commodore64 PC, is going to launch a line of gaming PCs at CeBIT. Seeing as the Commodore brand has been entrenched in the minds of PC users the punchline to a joke about how old their machine is, it's going to be all uphill for Commodore Gaming.
  Then again, maybe people will purchase a Commodore for the ironic value, giving them the much needed boost to get traction in a market dominated by names like Falcon and Alienware. – Jason Chen
  Comodore Returns

geyik / izleyin..
« : 06.03.2007 11:40:50 »
az önce natilius gonderdi izleyin,

ama vigo'nun da dedigi gibi bir hata yapmıslar
tıpkı party t-shirt lerinin de arkasında yazdığı gibi...
commodore & amiga are still alive!!!!

Herkese duyurulur!
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Sayfa: [1]