
the scene => hardware => Konuyu başlatan: Guest - 03.01.2005 00:30:47

Başlık: Tulip Computers - Commodore
Gönderen: Guest - 03.01.2005 00:30:47
Arkadaslar Commodore bilmemne haklari gene el degistirmis. Tulip computers Yeahronimo diye bir firmaya satmis. Neyse haber asagida.

The brand best known for the classic Commodore 64 home computer and the revolutionary Amiga PC has been sold.

The Register, "PC maker Tulip is to sell the Commodore brandname to US company Yeahronimo Media Ventures for 24m ($33m), the Dutch company revealed this week."

"Ironically, Tulip has only just begun shipping its most recent Commodore product, the C64 Direct-to-TV. The unit is one of those compact, joystick-styled devices that comprises a CBM64 emulator and a rack of games."

"When the unit was announced, in May 2004, Tulip promised the C64 Direct-to-TV would be be "the first of a whole series of entertainment products... using the Commodore name and label". Maybe it still will, but not will Tulip's input."
Başlık: Tulip Computers - Commodore
Gönderen: Hydrogen - 03.01.2005 00:36:45
Pardon. Login olmadan haberi pastlemisim. guest degil Hydrogen olacakti. Neyse onemi yok da, kim oldugu belli olmayan guest merakiniz uyanmasin diye soyliyeyim dedim.
Başlık: Tulip Computers - Commodore
Gönderen: skate - 03.01.2005 03:43:17
Gelen gideni aratmasın da... Haber için saol Hydrogen kardeş.