İletileri Göster

Bu özellik size üyenin attığı tüm iletileri gösterme olanağı sağlayacaktır . Not sadece size izin verilen bölümlerdeki iletilerini görebilirsiniz

Mesajlar - xc8

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bronx / bronx'un gerçek yüzü...
« : 28.03.2007 13:06:12 »

so.. the next party at .. Greek island of Myconos ?? LOL

yabancı partiler / PixelShow (Patras, GR)
« : 28.03.2007 09:23:08 »
There would be an opportunity of special price on some Elbox and/or Indivindual Computers  products during the party. (pre-orders with some cash in advance is required)

I will let you know a lot of weeks ago... who knows maybe some of you want to buy an Elbox and/or Individual computers product.

The local representative  told me he will send the products to Turkey declared as "gift" or "commercial sample" (just for the customs).

I saw the email that Elbox sent to him (wholesale prices) , in most cases the prices are very reasonable, say under 50 eur. (sorry I don't remember specific prices)


Disclaimer :
PM me or email me for specific products.
I have no commercial relation with him nor I am gain nothing!

yabancı partiler / Forever 2007
« : 22.03.2007 15:13:26 »

DAMN!!! I wanted to visit that party but there was NO airport connection with Greece..

Its on Slovakia.. (accesible by train of course)

JUST see the pics !!! it seems is a real oldskool demoparty NO pc's there!!!

main page :

some pics (A LOT of strange hardware, there is LCD screens connected on the commies!! wow I see the DivIDE for speccy --I want one!!--)


Hey guys/gals! Are you ok for a trip there next year??????????


çeşitli / BeOS PE 5 Max Edition V4 beta 1
« : 22.03.2007 10:09:58 »
Its a VERY nice alternative OS for the %^&* PCs... ;-)

Get it from here..

yabancı partiler / PixelShow (Patras, GR)
« : 19.03.2007 22:21:22 »
maybe is better to go to Selanik (by Dostuk ekpres tren) and meet Jobo ? (Charisis the admin of the gr-demoscene , he lives in Selanik) and then you came with him to Patras..

I will ask him (by email).

yabancı partiler / PixelShow (Patras, GR)
« : 19.03.2007 21:36:56 »

A small update regarding Pixelshow. (For any interested)

The dates/place (probably 99%)  are in the Patras university
from 11th->13th May.

The official page is

Registrations started.


my comments now:

I know that the place is #$%$%^^ , even from Athens I have to take bus or train to go there.. I wish that the party took place at Selanik, too easy for you (just you get the Dostuk/Filia Express night train and next day morning you are in Selanik).

see ya


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