Gönderen Konu: [nectarine -news] Non demoscene related composers  (Okunma sayısı 712 defa)

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Non demoscene related composers
Following recent admins discussion, we now start a deletion process of non demoscene history/memory related composers.
We have a small list of such guys.

A tune of a composer known as non demoscene related in any way being actually in the playlist may be kept only if:

- votes avg >= 3.5

- It's a "listeners favourite"

- it has at least 15 http://www.scenemusic.net/z/n/pic/star4.gif"  /> or http://www.scenemusic.net/z/n/pic/star5.gif" />

We'll monthly provide you with small list of authors from who we don't know demoscene relevance(by about 15 authors, so this process may long 3 months as we have about 40 boubtfull authors). We don't want to make it all in a row to let time to collect enough info.
 Please help us getting assured of what we do is fair by visiting theses forum posts.

Authors will then be black listed until we get any demoscene relation clue.

Thu, 23 Mar 2006 22:16:00 GMT